February 18, 2009

Always Ready to Share

I’m definitely a novice when it comes to gardening. My yard is not “show” quality. I don’t know everything there is to know about plants (or landscaping). I am not a Master Gardener. I don’t have a leg up on what Internet or garden catalog companies are the best. I buy plants from all sorts of places including Wal Mart, Lowe’s, Home Depot as well as specialty garden centers (and I’ve gotten pass along plants from friends). I’m learning as I go. In short, I am simply a person who loves plants, appreciates beautiful gardens and aspires to have one myself someday.

Over the past few years I have learned a ton about various plants through the school of hard knocks. I have succeeded and failed. Parts of my garden have flourished and others have failed miserably. I have gotten my hands dirty and even thrown out my back by splitting and relocating plants, moving stepping stones and the ever popular and always necessary task of weeding. Even so, I still have loads to learn.

That’s really why I started this blog. I began this endeavor for several reasons:

-I am a writer and wanted to write about something I’m passionate about.
-I love plants and find myself utterly frustrated and completely elated at times – I needed an outlet.
-I’m hoping through others I may be able to transfer information and knowledge about plants and thus, shorten the learning curve.
-Maybe through my trials others like me can learn something.
-This blog will help me keep record of what I do each year so I can refer to it if necessary (the memory is not so great these days!).
-I can meet other online gardening friends.

So, I can’t promise to be the world’s greatest resource, but I can promise that I am always trying, always learning and always ready to share my successes and failures.

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