March 06, 2009

Charlie Brown Junipers

I got my first-ever ordered-online plants in the mail. I knew they were going to be small, but let’s just say I’m going to have to be very patient in waiting for them to grow to any substantial size.

I ordered Spartan Junipers for the side of my yard that I wrote about a few entries ago. After doing a lot of research about what type of evergreen plant could help set off the entrance/exit and help create a focal point away from the composting bins, wood pile, and air conditioning units, I decided these were the right plants for the space. They love the sun, they are drought tolerant, and their growth habit should fit the space without overwhelming it.

It’s encouraging to know that the Spartan Juniper is a fast grower. And, I will tell you from past experience that buying large is not always what it’s cracked up to be. About five years ago my husband planted a Live Oak tree in our backyard. For budget reasons (and based on what we had read in landscaping books) we bought a small sapling. My backyard neighbors paid the big bucks and bought a Live Oak tree about ten times the size of ours. In the last five years not only has our tree surpassed theirs, but I daresay ours looks healthier.

So, I am going to remind myself of that when I plant these little beauties today. They will have little or no presence whatsoever when I put them in the ground. In fact, I might have to put a sign out there reminding my family not to step on them!

That’s okay. I still think it’s the right plant for the space even if they currently resemble the infamous Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I’ll give them the best soil rich in organic material, tap my heels together three times and chant, “Grow, grow, grow!”

It’s worth a try.

March 04, 2009

Golf Ball Trees and Other Spring Sightings

The other day I was driving my 4-year-old daughter to her Grammie’s house when I heard her ask, “Mom, what do those golf ball trees have on them?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. However, the funny thing is, I knew exactly what trees she was referring to. The Bradford Pear trees were in full bloom and their billowy white flowers did look like giant golf balls on the tree.

It is spring sightings like these that get me so pumped up for gardening. Daffodils, buds on our oak tree, perennials long dormant in my garden starting to poke their way through the ground…it all gives me the itch to get out there and start planting.

I stopped by one of my favorite organic nurseries the other day for some dried molasses for my compost pile, and it appears that I’m not the only one in the mood for spring gardening. Despite the fact that it was only in the mid 40s and windy as all get out, the place was buzzing with activity.

It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with ants in my pants. Let’s just hope they continue to be the metaphorical kind instead of the real, fire ant kind. You and I both know it's a possibility when gardening in Texas!
Happy spring y'all!

Biting off more than I can chew?

If you read my last few posts you’ll notice that I have two good-sized landscaping projects on my to-do list: revamping my side yard and new landscaping around a yet-to-be-built pool. These are pretty good sized projects. Oh…did I forget to mention that I actually have two additional projects I want to get done this spring? Yes, there are FOUR total projects.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Ahem. Yes, I can do this. Repeat after me: “Serenity now.”

A flower bed in my front yard needs overhauling and when we’re done installing the pool, the side fence will be relocated creating the need for overhauling a bed on the street side of the yard. Did I tell you that our house sits on a corner lot – a half acre corner lot? Oh…and that reminds me. There are actually five projects. My husband wants to rip out the scraggly-looking shrubs on the west side of the house and replace them with oleander.

So, yeah…it’s a lot of projects. Maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Nonetheless, I am still optimistic because I have a plan. The plan is to enlist the help of my husband (he doesn’t know this yet), take it one step at a time, and one area at a time. Plus, I’ve also done a lot of research on the plants I want and, to me, that is half the battle.

I’m pretty excited about the front yard bed project. In fact, I think I can whip that out in one morning. I’m trying something I’ve never done before. I ordered a fully landscaped bed from an online supplier this year. Spring Hill Nursery ( offers pre-planned gardens complete with a planting guide as well as the plants. My bed gets full sun, so I ordered the drought-tolerant sun garden. I’m cautiously optimistic about my results (maybe because I’m a newbie to this sort of gardening…could be a fiasco…dunno).

I’m also excited about my projects because I’m going to be blogging about them. I’ll write about the good, the bad and the ugly and I’ll be taking a lot of pictures. I really think it’s going to help me a ton. I am a very visual person and I think picture documentation will be huge.

Finally, I hope anyone who is reading this blog will feel free to offer their insights as well. I am all ears as to what plants work and what don’t. I want to hear from you!

Let’s get started!