February 21, 2009

25 Random Things about Gardening

A list has been going around Facebook called, “25 Random Things.” When you receive it, you’re supposed to write 25 random facts about yourself. A friend did it for her blog about Celiac’s Disease (www.thesavvyceliac.com) and I thought it sounded like a good idea for the topic of gardening. So, here goes:

1. No matter how large or small your garden, there is always room for improvement.

2. St. John’s Wort and spearmint (the entire mint family for that matter) is best kept in containers (unless you want it invading your entire garden).

3. Knockout roses truly are disease resistant and bloom a lot during the Texas growing season.

4. Never plant rosemary too close to the house or near areas where children play because it attracts a lot of bees.

5. If you plant hanging baskets in Texas be prepared to give them a good soaking every morning (and sometimes in the evening, too) in July, August and September.

6. Never underestimate the importance of dead-heading and pruning.

7. A Moonflower plant is extremely drought-tolerant, loves the sun, blooms beautiful big, white flowers at dusk and has an enormous root system. If you let it grow past 6 inches tall and then you decide you don’t want it, be prepared to dig a long, LONG way down to get rid of the roots. And, if you don’t get rid of the roots entirely, the Moonflower will definitely reappear!

8. Don’t let the dainty facade of the Cypress Vine fool you. It is very hardy, loves the sun and heat and will drop a bunch of seeds ensuring you’ll have plenty more next year. You’ll also find it in several locations throughout your yard!

9. A new favorite plant for me is Plumbago. It seems to love the Texas sun and heat and blooms almost continually.

10. Just because a nursery tag says “full sun” on the label, does not always mean it’s meant for full TEXAS sun.

11. There is almost nothing better for your garden than amending the soil in the spring (and maybe even fall, too!).

12. A few of my favorite Texas annuals are: Vinca (a lot of people call this periwinkle), Wave Pentunia, Sweet Potato Vine (almost every color) and Purple Fountain Grass

13. A few of my favorite perennials are: Daylilies, Russian Sage, Moonflower, Summer Phlox, Creeping Phlox and Blue Salvia

14. No matter how early spring starts in Texas, you can almost always count on a freeze around Easter.

15. There is almost nothing more beautiful than Texas wildflowers – bluebonnets, in particular – growing along the state’s roadsides and ranch lands.

16. In my experience most “pass-along” plants are passed along for a reason – they go to seed or creep like wildfire!

17. Too much rain in the spring can kill drought-tolerant plants.

18. There really is something great about growing your own tomatoes.

19. Kids LOVE growing their own gardens (and harvesting them). It’s a great learning experience for everyone. My kids especially love growing strawberries!

20. Herbs I love to have in my garden are Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Chives, Cilantro and Basil.

21. Sometimes you just have to take chances in the garden – be open to trying new plants.

22. Rejoice in the successes and learn from the failures.

23. Gardens can be therapeutic – especially when enjoying their beauty!

24. Nothing is more rewarding for all your hard work than seeing flowers in full bloom.

25. Don't be afraid to get dirty -- most of the time it is worth the effort.

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