March 04, 2009

Golf Ball Trees and Other Spring Sightings

The other day I was driving my 4-year-old daughter to her Grammie’s house when I heard her ask, “Mom, what do those golf ball trees have on them?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. However, the funny thing is, I knew exactly what trees she was referring to. The Bradford Pear trees were in full bloom and their billowy white flowers did look like giant golf balls on the tree.

It is spring sightings like these that get me so pumped up for gardening. Daffodils, buds on our oak tree, perennials long dormant in my garden starting to poke their way through the ground…it all gives me the itch to get out there and start planting.

I stopped by one of my favorite organic nurseries the other day for some dried molasses for my compost pile, and it appears that I’m not the only one in the mood for spring gardening. Despite the fact that it was only in the mid 40s and windy as all get out, the place was buzzing with activity.

It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with ants in my pants. Let’s just hope they continue to be the metaphorical kind instead of the real, fire ant kind. You and I both know it's a possibility when gardening in Texas!
Happy spring y'all!

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