April 07, 2009

Freeze Warning

It almost always takes me by surprise, but I should know by now that it will happen here in Texas -- one more freeze.

Last night, my husband scurried around the yard covering plants while I dug around trying to find enough sheets and blankets. This freeze seems later than others (although I could be wrong). So many tender perennials have made a full appearance and I would hate for their foliage to get burned by the cold air.

I’m not sure if we have managed to dodge a bullet yet or not. When I first got up the news was reporting temperatures in my city at 38 degrees. Then, at the next update they said 30. Our thermometer reads 38. Later this morning I’ll go survey the yard to see what’s what. Until then, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everything survived the night.

1 comment:

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Hope all of your plants survived. It's nice once you know for sure chance of freezes are gone. I think we may have some cold nights this weekend.